Duwamish River Restoration at T-105 with EarthCorps- Bucket Brigade II

The kids cheered loudly when they heard they were going to form a bucket brigade again at T-105 Park.  We reviewed the importance of the river for salmon, and discussed challenges the restoration faces, including noxious weeds.  Noxious Populus alba / white poplar re-sprouts in full force all over the site, including from downed and decaying trunks!  (photo below)  The kids leapt into place and the buckets started flying as we continued sheet mulching the native plantings with cardboard and wood chips.  They derived a good deal of satisfaction from executing an important role in a fast operation; though I'm sure the spilled buckets, giggles and ridiculous traffic-jams had something to do with it.   Enjoyable as well, was meeting a slough (pun intended) of new EarthCorps leaders.